Reflection Blog Post

Hello to all of my fellow blog readers!

Welcome back to my fashion in Pullman blog that I have created as an assignment for my Com 210 class.

I want to explain how much of a learning experience making this blog was. I enjoyed it so much and I feel so accomplished to do something that I never thought I would. Learning how to make things that could entertain people on a daily basis is very unique and I appreciated it very much.

After all of the hard work and dedication, there are a lot of projects and assignments to look back and reflect on. Personally, I did have a favorite out of them all just because I got to accomplish something I never thought I could and actually entertain people. For me, this was the final premiere video project. I have to admit, I did have a lot of issues with premiere in the beginning which is why I was not able to finish my premiere tutorials. Once I found a way around the technological issues, I was able to create such a fun video! I thought this was cool because I compared the video making process to all of the daily YouTube bloggers people watch all of the time. With that, premiere is definitely how they make their videos and I was so stoked to be able to do the same.

If I had to connect any of these tricks I learned throughout this class to my future self, it will definitely be photoshop or illustrator. For my job someday I want to major in Public Relations. With a kind of job like that, you have to be able to be creative with technology is many different ways. In my option, those two adobe softwares are a skill everyone should obtain for the better future. I am also minoring in DTC and this class gave me a huge head start on wherever that is going to take me. I got my feet wet with adobe so I have the confidence to build off it it now.

If I had to pick a skill that I wish I could have learned in this class that I did not it would probably be something along the lines of magazine and news editing. I know we learned how to use photoshop, but the things we did had nothing to do with what I might have to do in the future. Creating ads with products for advertisement and consumer appeal is something I want to someday learn how to do.

I think YouTube and WordPress were the most useful in this situation being that we learned everything on youtube from other people and we wouldn’t have blog posts without how handy and useful WordPress is.

If I had to add any other thoughts, I would like to say that notifying students in advance about how much premiere might not work on your at home computer is very important. The adobe software for premier is very touchy and complicated so maybe finding another way to teach that software to students by making them all come to class that day so the instructor can walk everybody through it would give kids a lot better overall grade, and understanding of premiere.

Thank you for everything!

Final Video Premiere

Hi everyone and welcome back to my fashion in Pullman blog! I have something very interesting to show you. I have formed a video that shows the elements and theme of my blog for everyone to see and follow along with. I have been learning a lot about premiere and new video editing skills so I used that to make a themed video of my blog for everyone to enjoy! Personally when I went about planning the video, I thought that the one thing that represents a fashion blog is a relatable fashion show! With that, I got a lot of my friends together and filmed them coming back from class in their old weather outfits to show off to all of my blog viewers. I also wanted to go for a news report vibe because everything I am discussing in my blog is up to date and constantly changing within weather patterns in Pullman. To go about creating my video I started with some raw footage of girls wearing their “going to class outfits”. I then went and took videos of my close friends closets from top to bottom to give people an outlook on all of the options people have to choose from in the morning when they wake up to start their day! After all of that was put together, I video taped myself as if I was an anchor woman for a news channel and explained to everyone what was going to be displayed in my video to show the significance of the project. I began to put everything together on premiere and noticed that a if I added a song to play during the fashion model walk and the closet showing, it would make things turn out a lot more entertaining. To finalize everything, I made a wrap up video and added it to my project on premiere. When I was going through the process of adding the media into premiere, the application would close out a lot and I would have to re-open everything and start over. I resolved this problem by always saving my work as I made changes to my project.

I would like to site iTunes for my music choice.

Draft Premiere Story

For this project I decided to create a news report based on the most recent weather trends in Pullman and what type of clothing people decide to wear because of it. This relates to my topic because my theme involved everyday outfit choice dependent on weather, so creating a news report for the most current trends made the most sense to me for this project. The design and layout I went for was an organized visual video of people walking on a fake runway to show off their outfit choice of the day. I also included a visual of everyones closets to show what they have to choose from on a daily basis when they wake up in the morning. This project is significant because it shows real life college students in their cold weather outfits based on the cold winter here in Pullman. I got all of the girls together to create this video by asking them to “model” for me in my sorority house as they were on their way to and from class and work. I also had someone record me explaining my news report and what the video will be about. Some technical challenges I encountered was using premiere. The system has had a hard time functioning on my computer so restarting my video process a few times was pretty hard, but in the end I got everything to work. I learned to save my work as I went so just in case premiere was to shut down, I could open my work back up as if nothing happened. Something else I made sure to do was take out all of the audio sound in my videos so later on I can add some audio of me explaining what is inside the closets and what the girls are wearing as they walk on the runway. I really hope you all enjoy my rough draft and I cant wait to improve it next week with more videos and features!

Raw Video Footage Premiere

Youtube Link:

Storyboard: Fashion in Pullman

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:15Description of the theme of my blog by using a news report theme. I am sitting at a desk looking at the camera talking about fashion in Pullman. There will be a ding before I begin to talk and a fade out of a news sound effect after I am done speaking.
0:15-1:00Fashion show. Different girls wearing different Pullman weather outfits will put on a fashion show along with their closets. Music will be playing while the girls walk down the runway.
1:00-1:30I will be back on the news report going into deeper detail describing the girls outfits and reading off quotes by them. There will be a ding before I begin to talk and a fade out of a news sound effect after I am done speaking.
1:30-2:00I will interview one of the girls and ask them a couple questions requiring their clothing choice and weather in Pullman A light sound effect will fade out once the interview is over


Hey everyone, welcome back!

Today I am uploading my final draft from working with Audition on my own! After getting some practice from some tutorials, I decided to dip my feet into doing it all on my own.

For my project I decided to go ahead and create a podcast. This meant finding someone that was willing to get interviewed by me along with a series of questions. I decided to use this because my theme of fashion in Pullman related to getting feedback from others who live the daily Pullman life.

After working with a tutorial provided by my class that showed us how to insert chimes before and after someone is about to answer or ask a question, it inspired me to do the same with my interview. I wanted to practice more with chimes, fading in and out and cutting out the work “um” or like” in the interviews.

I believe the significance in the elements of my design is the fact that I could give a real life interview to someone that goes through a day in Pullman weather everyday. The person I interview takes a lot of classes and does a lot of walking, giving herself a lot of experience with outfit changes and comfort.

My design process started with interviewing. I used my Iphone and placed it on a counter while interviewing Josie. I used the “voice memos” application on my phone and recorded two different clips. The first was my introduction, then the second was the questions with Josie’s answers. After that, I airdropped the voice memos onto my laptop and added them to Audition. From there, I went on to cut out the words “um” and “like” from the audio using the razor tool. Then, I went on to adjust the sound frequency and volume. Josie’s voice sounded a bit more quite then mine during the interview, so I had to raise the sound levels for when she was talking by using the razor tool to separate parts of her response and adjust the levels for when she talked more quiet. After that, I added three chime noises, one in the beginning, middle and end. I faded the chime noises in and out and overlapped them with the interview then it was complete!

Some challenges I faced was remembering how to use the razor tool and remembering how to make only some parts of the volume higher than the other content. I had to go back and re-watch some tutorials before figuring out how to do it. I improved from my first draft because I got some feedback and applied it. There was not much I had to go about changing except some volume changes. I went in and separated a lot more of the interview and played around with the sound editing portion more than I did on my draft. Once I did that everything seemed perfect!

Audition Draft

Hey everyone, welcome back!

Today I uploaded my first rough draft from working with Audition on my own! After getting some practice from some tutorials, I decided to dip my feet into doing it all on my own.

For my project I decided to go ahead and create a podcast. This meant finding someone that was willing to get interviewed by me along with a series of questions. I decided to use this because my theme of fashion in Pullman related to getting feedback from others who live the daily Pullman life.

After working with a tutorial provided by my class that showed us how to insert chimes before and after someone is about to answer or ask a question, it inspired me to do the same with my interview. I wanted to practice more with chimes, fading in and out and cutting out the work “um” or like” in the interviews.

I believe the significance in the elements of my design is the fact that I could give a real life interview to someone that goes through a day in Pullman weather everyday. The person I interview takes a lot of classes and does a lot of walking, giving herself a lot of experience with outfit changes and comfort.

My design process started with interviewing. I used my Iphone and placed it on a counter while interviewing Josie. I used the “voice memos” application on my phone and recorded two different clips. The first was my introduction, then the second was the questions with Josie’s answers. After that, I airdropped the voice memos onto my laptop and added them to Audition. From there, I went on to cut out the words “um” and “like” from the audio using the razor tool. Then, I went on to adjust the sound frequency and volume. Josie’s voice sounded a bit more quite then mine during the interview, so I had to raise the sound levels for when she was talking. After that, I added three chime noises, one in the beginning, middle and end. I faded the chime noises in and out and overlapped them with the interview then it was complete!

Some challenges I faced was remembering how to use the razor tool and remembering how to make only some parts of the volume higher than the other content. I had to go back and re-watch some tutorials before figuring out how to do it.

Raw Footage

Fashion in Pullman obviously has various styles within different people but there is definitely a “vibe” that everyone goes for at WSU. These styles can also change through weather and times of the day. I want to mainly focus on walking to class and running errands during the day and what most people wear when going about their day.

Final Logo Draft

Hello everyone! This is my final logo for my blog made by Illustrator!

If you were following along last week you would have seen my sketch and rough draft attempt of my logo but now I have the final result.

I changed my final draft a lot from my initial draft. Instead of doing a going for a basic circle with words logo i decided to make a design of a dress to showcase my theme of fashion. I noticed that a design looks more appealing when a figure is present instead of two large words. After this, i decided to turn “Pullman Fashion” into F.P which stands for “Fashion Pullman”.

To begin, i started by using the rectangle tool and created two rectangles to start making the dress. I was going to round the edges but I thought the sharp edges looked better in my opinion. I moved the two rectangles together from top to bottom to start making them look like a body. They I used the shape builder tool to take off some of the lines and edges that created the dress looking. Once I got the shape I liked, I made two more rectangles to create the straps of the dress. I sized them down to look smaller than everything else then placed them evenly on the top of the dress.

Coloring was the next step. I was not sure weather I wanted to aim my logo at men and women or just women. But, because I already had the dress made, I knew I had to go for a more girly theme. I went for a purple/pink color by filing in the whole dress after making all of the shapes into a group to make everything the same. Once I had the color I wanted, I left it at that.

My next step was using text. At first I wrote out “Fashion Pullman” but then I realized it would look better as an initial. Because fashion is a very unique and creative aspect, I chose a cursive font for the letters to fit my theme. I placed the text at the bottom of the dress then went into Object and fit my logo to my art board.

That is how my logo was created and I hope you enjoy it!

Logo Rough Draft

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!

I recently took on the challenge of creating a logo for my personal blog. I began by sketching out my logo on a small piece of paper then continued on to making it a reality in Illustrator.

This past week I have gained a lot of skills while following multiple tutorials on how to use the basics of Illustrator and I was more than excited to great a rough draft of my logo with it.

For my logo I wanted to go with a low key color selection because Pullman fashion in general has a very earthy and vintage look to it, usually. Most people from the PNW come to WSU for college and they take their fashion trends from home here with them.

First, I started with using a brown/tan background on the whole art board. To do this, I used the rectangle tool and make a rectangle to cover the whole board. Then, I chose the color I wanted and filled the square with that color.

Next, I knew I wanted a circle around my writing so I planned ahead and made the circle first before the text. I used the circle tool and made a big one. Next, i chose the color I wanted for it and made the line bolder to be able to see it.

After that, I added the text “Pullman” to the draft fist. I selected the text tool and made a text box. After, I typed out Pullman and changed the size to 200. Once that looked centered I changed the color of the letters and the lining of the letters. Black and white was my choice and I also chose a fun font for the word that I thought best fit my theme. I made another text box after and did the same thing but wrote out “Fashion” and changed it to the way I liked.

I hope you like my logo! I plan to work on it after getting some peer feedback but other than that thanks for taking a look!


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