Logo Sketch!

This week I will be taking Illustrator into my own hands by creating a logo for my blog! Fashion in Pullman will always have a special place in my heart and I am excited to explore my skills and create this logo digitally! Stay tuned!

One thought on “Logo Sketch!

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  1. Hey Madison, I am Jack Willis! I would like to first say that your draft logo looks really neat and professional. It immediately explains what your topic is to the viewer which is always a good thing. I liked that your logo incorporated colors that you feel also represent fashion in Pullman. Your logo is simple but also very detailed. I could see this logo being in a magazine about fashion in Pullman. Also, I thought your use of the skills we learned in the illustrator tutorials was very well done. In particular, the word “fashion” in your logo looked just like the example in the tutorial. But, there are always things that can be added to make your logo look even better than it already does. For starters, maybe you could underline your text to make it pop out more. Also, I think making the words the same font gives the logo a more professional look. Those are the only things I can think of that could make your logo better, nice job.


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