Final Video Premiere

Hi everyone and welcome back to my fashion in Pullman blog! I have something very interesting to show you. I have formed a video that shows the elements and theme of my blog for everyone to see and follow along with. I have been learning a lot about premiere and new video editing skills so I used that to make a themed video of my blog for everyone to enjoy! Personally when I went about planning the video, I thought that the one thing that represents a fashion blog is a relatable fashion show! With that, I got a lot of my friends together and filmed them coming back from class in their old weather outfits to show off to all of my blog viewers. I also wanted to go for a news report vibe because everything I am discussing in my blog is up to date and constantly changing within weather patterns in Pullman. To go about creating my video I started with some raw footage of girls wearing their “going to class outfits”. I then went and took videos of my close friends closets from top to bottom to give people an outlook on all of the options people have to choose from in the morning when they wake up to start their day! After all of that was put together, I video taped myself as if I was an anchor woman for a news channel and explained to everyone what was going to be displayed in my video to show the significance of the project. I began to put everything together on premiere and noticed that a if I added a song to play during the fashion model walk and the closet showing, it would make things turn out a lot more entertaining. To finalize everything, I made a wrap up video and added it to my project on premiere. When I was going through the process of adding the media into premiere, the application would close out a lot and I would have to re-open everything and start over. I resolved this problem by always saving my work as I made changes to my project.

I would like to site iTunes for my music choice.

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